Monday, August 9, 2010

Sketchbook Project

My advisor at Herron emailed us about this Sketchbook Project on where you purchase a sketchbook and fill it up and send it back to the Art House people and they take it on a cross-country tour (one stop is in Chicago, I would love to have a group go up and check it out!). I'll be keeping a digital record of my sketchbook, because the original will be on tour, and then on a shelf in Brooklyn, Ny; I'm nervous about it, I like to keep my things I do. But this sounds like great publicity, fantastic practice, a good challenge, inspiring...All those things sound good to me so I'm gonna try it! I received my sketchbook today so I'll be starting soon! It's a really cool project! And I get a 'library card' that will update me anytime someone checks out my book to look at, so that's pretty cool, like my baby, I can check up on it!

Wish me Luck! Maybe I'll be enlightened!

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